U promise me heaVenthen
put me thRough hell...

Say u need me One
laSt time...

I kissed a boy and
i liked it!
i hope my bOy friend
don't mind it!
What u knOwis more than
What u have tO!

I'm the bEst damn thing
that ur eYes have
eVer seen!!

sOme things will neVer
I'm easy tO get
haRd tO forGet !! :D
There is nO running that could hide yOu...

And when wiNter gone
wIthout snOw...
it's toO late to apolOgizeit's tOo late...
and in ur eYesi see
The miSsing pieCes...

Planning tO be me...
it's My best loOk!